Monday, July 30, 2007

Reflection On Diference

Q.How Do I Treat People
From Different Cultures?
A.I treat them like anyone
else because they are.

Q.How are people from
different cultures the same?
A.They just look different on the
outside and maybe a different language
maybe but they are completely the same
on the inside.

Q.How can we make new
people feel welcome?
A.We just treat them the same
and of course the commen scence
qoute "treat others the way you want to be

Q.What might I (have) Done /do
that makes people feel different?
A.Maybe Sometimes when people that are from
a different culture are standing beside someone
who just got invited to their house or to a
birthday party and they feel a bit left out and
then that might make them feel different.

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