Monday, July 30, 2007

Reflection On Diference

Q.How Do I Treat People
From Different Cultures?
A.I treat them like anyone
else because they are.

Q.How are people from
different cultures the same?
A.They just look different on the
outside and maybe a different language
maybe but they are completely the same
on the inside.

Q.How can we make new
people feel welcome?
A.We just treat them the same
and of course the commen scence
qoute "treat others the way you want to be

Q.What might I (have) Done /do
that makes people feel different?
A.Maybe Sometimes when people that are from
a different culture are standing beside someone
who just got invited to their house or to a
birthday party and they feel a bit left out and
then that might make them feel different.

Monday, July 23, 2007


168 Clyde Road
Fendalton 8052

19th July, 2007

Dear Tania,

I am Elsie from Fendalton Open Air Primary School
And I read the busker and I really think you need a reality check you’re not the queen of England if you were you wouldn’t be here.
You are going to miss out on a great boy and you won’t realise because you didn’t give him a chance.
You only care about going out in taxis and getting manicures.

You should start treating people the way you want to be treated because at this point I agree with the boy in the story go jump in a lake. Maybe next time you should talk to him first because you might actually like them and if they can’t afford to take you out in taxi’s then that’s your loss!!!!

I have a question for you about the book. Why do you only choose to go out with boys who can talk you out in taxis it’s only the way you get there how can you tell if you like him by the way he takes you out.
So take my advice go out with the boy but only if you have talked to him and you’re sure you like him.

Yours Faithfully

Elsie Whelan

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Term 3 Goal - Nature Smart

This term I would like to start really start being cautious of nature. I will do this by sticking to
the pathways throughout the school
I will know I have done this when:
I will be recycling before I know it.

Term 3 Goal-Focus

School Goals:
I would really like to be more focused on my school work until the end of the year because I haven’t been lately.
I will know I have done this when:
I will know what’s going on in the class & I will be on task all the time 24/7.

Term 3 Goal-Homework

Personal Goals:
I am now going to start doing my homework in a quit place by myself so I can get it all done but don’t rush it because then I can go and play and not having to worry about my homework.
I will know I have done this when:
All my homework will be done nice and early and I will
be happy about my strategy.

Term 3 Goal- Friends

School & Personal Goals:
1.This term I would like to be as friendly as can be and when people are talking bad things about each other I will say don’t talk to me talk to whom you are upset with.
I will know I have done this when:
People will be happy with everyone and they won’t have to say bad things behind their backs.

Monday, July 16, 2007


The Excitement Of Christmas Eve
When You Get The Shiver Down Your Spine
Spying On The Sun
Watching It's Beautiful Shine
Walking Through A bunch Of Flowers
Embrace The Power.


The Pink In The Sky
The First Glimpse Of The Sun
When All The Colours Reappear
The Candy Floss Clouds
Nothing Is Loud
I'm So Glad That These Are Not Rare.

Then Out Comes The Sun
We Start The Fun
And Everyone Let's Out A Cheer
But Then It Goes Down
We Let Out A frown
But Tommorrow's Sunrise Is Near.


We Sit Next Door
Upon The Floor
Having A Great Time At School
At My Home
Feeling Alone
And Wanting To Call You Up.
At Your House With You
Never Feel Blue
Because We're Near
And You Will Always Be My
BEST Friend Clare


Holdng Hands Down The Street
Do You Remember When We Meet?
I Met You Last Year But You Have Always Been Near
And Now People Know Us As One.
Elsie And Clare
We Are A Pear
And Know One Can Come Between Us.
When Will We Split Up Never Never
Best Friends Forever And Ever.


Autumn Leaves

Leaves Blowing
Children Extatic
Warmth In The Air
Energy Striking
Red,Green,Yellow Even Brown
Piles Everywhere
Feeling,Listening And Scrunching
Under Feet
Embrace The Setting
Feel The Wind In Your Hair
Rubbing Against Your Face
Crunchy Soft Smooth
You Can Hear The Kids Now


Sunday, July 15, 2007

Term 2 Goal-Homework

2. Again I would like to hand in my homework on
time and up to scratch because I really need to hand in
homework when expected.
I will know I have done this when:
Again I can look through my book and
See good remarks.
I have done this Almost every week exept for one so I'm
quite happy aout this one

Term 2 Goal-Friends

School Goals
1.This term I would like to get along
with the class more because I am
spending to much time with my friends
that’s ok but I think I should start to make some knew friends.
I will know I have done this when:
I will have knew friends
And if people want to play and they have know one to play
With they can come to me.
I think i lnow everyone in the class now and they know me
so this goal worked out well.

Term 2 Goal-Outside

Personal goals
1.Spend time outside
I will spend time outside more often.
Example I will do my homework outside
And I will listen to music outside.
I will know I have done this when:
I will want to go outside more because
I am used to the routine.
I didn't know that winter was coming up
so I didn't get around to achieving this goal

Don't Make Me Leave that School

Don't make me leave that school today
Please anything but that
I'll tidy up my office
i'll clean up under that old mat.

I'll be the receptionist for a week
I'll be a teacher two
But don't make me leave that school today
It's a home for me and you.

The kids are really nice to me
They always call me names like
Legend in our hall of fame
When I ask to play thier games

And when they see me coming
They run up to me with joy
I feel like i'm in someones bedroom
Acting thier favourite toy

So please don't make me leave that school
I'll sulk and whine and sob
So what if i'm the principal
I want to keep my job

Term 1 Goal-Jobs

4. take every chance that comes my way
I will know I have done his when:
I will be involved in a lot of things.
I have been involved in two volunteer jobs but not as much as I could have

Term 1 Goal-Friends

3. Include everyone in everything work with different people throughout the year
I will know I have done this when:
I will have more friends and I will know the class better
I have most definitely worked with most of the class and I know everyone quite well

Term 1 Goal-Swimming

2.. I would like to move up a swimming group get in all the practise I can get.
I will know I have done this when:
I would have been trying my hardest to get practise and I would maybe of moved up a swimming group.
I haven'
t moved up a swimming group but I also didn't get any practise was going to do it at anna's but It started to get into the rainy weather

Term 1 Goal-Maths

Personal goals:
1.I would like to improve my maths in general and I would like to
really concintrate on it.
I will know I have done this when:
I will maybe have moved up a group and I will be focused on what I’m doing
I haven't moved up a group but i have been trying my best

Term 1 Goal - Handwriting

2. I would like to keep the writing in my books tidy
and easy to read.
I will know I have done this when: I can look through my book and see neat writing
I have done this quite well but in my writing journal I haven't but you can still read it

Term 1 Goal-Homework

School goals:
1.I would like to hand in my homework
Every week and up to scratch and my best work
I will know I have done this when: I can look through my book and see good comments
I have done this but once or twice my mother has had to bring it to me