Thursday, June 28, 2007

Writing-My Cinderella Retell


NOOOOOOOOO, not another one! Oh, hello there, you’re probably wondering why I’m so sad. My Step mother who treated me like I wasn’t a brat just passed away. But there is a bright side to all this because she didn’t have a will written up and since I’m the oldest I’m in charge of my step sisters. Don’t worry, I’m now going to tell you the whole story, but before we go any further, my name is Cinderella. I have blue eyes, blonde hair and of course I’m very beautiful. My father just got married and we live in a big cottage in a huge village.

“May he rest in peace,” said the funeral director.
“Cinderella,” called my stepmother.
“I’ll be there when I want,” I replied.
“Cinderella,” repeated my stepmother in a direct voice.
“WWHHAATT,” I screamed.
“Could you help me make the beds?” asked my stepmother
“Are you joking? Why would I do that for you? You’re not my mother “ I screamed. I slammed the bedroom door in my step mother’s face.

You see isn’t she just the best, well you can’t really see yet anyway carrying on.

“Cinderella you need to start pulling your weight around here” my stepmother said.
“NO”! I replied
“DO IT FOR YOUR FATHER” yelled my stepmother.
“Sorry it’s going to be different around here you know because my dad’s not here” I cried.
“I know but you need to be strong” said my stepmother.
“ok but I’m still not helping you make the beds bye now” I said.
“ It’s a start I guess,” my stepmother commented.

The next morning we all went to the shops to get some dresses for the annual ball on Saturday. Everyone who’s anyone was there it was lovely, balloons, cake and Ice Sculptures. Everything was beautiful, everything except for the queen. She envied my step mother very much, just because she got married to my father first. The Queen insisted on him marrying her she fancied him a lot but I wasn’t going to let that bother me because this was the night of the year and wasn’t going to let some lady ruin it.” “Everyone glanced at the door when the prince walked in. His father had decided that his
son had to choose someone he wanted to spend the rest of his life with and he would do so tonight. ”

“I was standing around the tables because I knew he wouldn’t want to dance with me but then I felt cold and it went dark because the princes shadow was covering me in blackness I was relieved he wanted to dance with me.” “We glided around the room for hours and hours it felt like we had only been doing so for ten minutes.” I heard my step mother call I ran to the door as did the prince I was about gone but then my dress got caught on the hand rail I was down to my underwear I sprinted so fast it was terribly hard in 4 inch high heels.” “Before the prince could stop me…… I was gone.”

“The dress was all he had left to remember me by but he didn’t just remember oh no it’s not some story that finishes with the boy wondering what it would have been like if he had looked for her and would sob and sob and it would show him staring out the window with the rain pouring down and he pucks up the courage to go and see her and he comes in dripping wet to tell her he loves her no oh no he took it to the next level James searched the entire kingdom.” “Surprisingly it turned out I’m the skinniest in the kingdom you no I work out but anyway it didn’t fit anyone he searched for hours and hours then he arrived at my huge house and my step sisters tried it on even my step mother tried it on but of course it didn’t fit.” “Then it was my turn I came out in a lovely white ball gown perfectly fitting it was the one I had lost the night of the ball he had found me.” “We had gone out together a lot of times now and we knew each other like salt knows pepper we were like two peas in a pod but one night when James was walking me in we stood there in shock my sweetheart step mother was lying on the floor cold and pale we were terrified we knew what had happened and we knew who had done it to she had been poisoned and the queen had done it she was still holding a grudge about my father and now she’s sad that we are taking away her son.”

“NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO, not another one.” “Here we are back at he start I know what your thinking your wondering what happened to James and Cinderella don’t worry there is more to the story carrying on.” “Seven months after the ball the prince preposed to me the ring was gorgeous 152 carrots witch I thought was pretty cheap for a prince but it was great to be part of the royals.” “Every girl in the kingdom was devastated now they couldn’t be part of them on the other hand I was glorious we were getting married five weeks after the proposal it was an amazing ceremony and our honey moon was b-e-auuuutiful if I went any further you would be so jealous.” ”So it was a great year a phew bumps in the end but we all lived Happily Ever After.”
By Elsie

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